Monday, September 26, 2011

Rylie is 1!!!

So this may have been the fastest year ever. I can't believe our baby is 1! She had a great birthday, or should I say birth week since that is about how long the celebrations lasted. She started out with cupcakes with friends, and finished up the party with presents and cake at home.

Rylie is the sweetest little girl. She is a cuddler, not usually with us because she is trying to keep up with Jackson, but she loves to snuggle with everyone else and every once in a while, when she lays her head on either mine or Tims shoulder, its perfect.

*She is walking almost exclusively now, unless she wants to get somewhere really fast.

*She says mama, dada, and ma (milk, I think), and I am pretty sure these aren't just sounds, but actual words.

*She climbs stairs, and today the gates blocking the stairs.

*She is stubborn, grunts and throws a fuss if she doesn't get what she wants.

*Definately a tomboy, but one I like to keep in dresses. Her favorite toys are cars. She wanders around on all four with cars in her hands rolling her along. She has just started to throw balls sort of.

*She thinks she can swim. She will throw herself out of our arms into the water, sink, and then be smiling when we pull her up.

*She is so sweet and we love her!

Happy Birthday Rylie!

Enjoy the pics!


  1. She is so stinking cute! I can't stand it. I am so excited to see her in a few weeks. She and Rachelle are going to get along famously. Happy birthday, Rylie!

  2. These are great pictures. Take care. Love you all!

  3. What a sweetie. I miss them soooo much.
