This was the coolest of all... We got to feed the giraffes. Jackson laughed the whole time and Rylie was determined to hold onto her leaves, the giraffe really had to get his tongue in there to pull it away.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Rylie is 1!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Rylie stands these days
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Notice the underwear...almost completely potty trained! Yea!!
Our little princess Rylie is a crawling machine. Once she decided she wanted to actually go more than one or two little crawls there was no stopping her. She has two teeth and is probably working on two more. She is so sweet and funny. She snuggles and loves to be held. She does this deep laugh that cracks me up everytime. She has grown up so fast, it makes me a little sad. I want to put it on pause for just a month or two to catch up. She has this bright red hair and hazel eyes-definately got some Natter genes in her. She really is our princess, and she is Jackson's "silly goose" (had to throw that one in)
Watching tv...bad habits start early...shame on me
By the way mom, did you know I can crawl?
Pretty girl
As much as I want time to stop I am excited to see them older and playing together more because it is so obvious how much they love each other.
I woke up the other morning to find Jackson had gotten up and decided to climb in with Rylie, how sweet
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Some Pictures and Things
A bunch of random pictures and and update. Jackson and Rylie love to play and wrestle. He is such a good brother and can always make her laugh hysterically.
Rylie just had her six month appt. She is 27 1/2 inches, 16 lbs 8 oz, which is in the 70th percent for weight and 97th for height. Watch out Jackson here she comes! She is a rolling machine, pretty good at scooting backwards, loves toys, babbles dadadadada all day long, and yes she is sleeping (mostly)through the night-or at least until 530 or 600. I love to listen to her laugh.
Jackson is amazing. He continues to grow and astound us with what he knows and can do. He loves school, loves to play on the playground, play tennis, climb, play hide and seek (although when you say "where are you Jackson?" he is quick to answer "hiding...behind the couch") I love it! He can sort of spell his name, he can count, say the alphabet, sing lots of songs, read-as long as he has the book memorized, play basketball, and play football "games". He is hilarious, just the other day as I was feeding Rylie her standard large dinner, Jackson says "Rylie, you a little pig... Oink oink oink." (sorry Rylie) We about died laughing though. Other things he loves, fire trucks, helicopters, cars, dogs, stop signs, water, swimming...the list goes on.