And other random pictures!

Such a pouter...please come play with me!!

Isn't this interesting, so many things to see.

Man, I love showers, I taste all clean afterwards.

So we tried rice cereal to help him/us sleep a little later. Thanks to Krissie for her help. Despite his face he did like it, he just got full and was mad I kept shoving it in his face =0)

He is out like a light, nothing could wake him up.


This is JP's standard mode of transportation, he is getting pretty good, and fast too!

Fun to play with and yummy too!

This might be his favorite toy- he is pretty content laying under it for quite a while.

Looking at his toy, trying to figure out the fastest way to get under it.

Please, please, please get me out of here! What a lower lip!

This is just moments later, it doesn't take much to put a smile back on his face.