-Recently Jackson has been saying his nightly prayers, and each night he seems to add something that makes me smile and have to hold in a laugh.Things such as, please help Santa Claus to remember how much I really really love the firefighter costume and chainsaw, please help my sister to learn to use the toilet someday, please help me to be a missionary when I grow up... and a superhero, please help me to be a giant soon like daddy, please bless my aunt that she won't forget her special flower, etc, etc. It makes me proud to see how thoughtful he is becoming.
-Rylie is a little outdoors girl. I knew she liked to be outside, but when we visited Washington last, I saw how truly content she was to be digging in the dirt, putting it down her shirt and in her hair, happy to be barefoot. She should have been a pioneer.
-Rylie is incredibly tough. I have never seen a little girl who can get hurt as often and as bad and just grunt "I otay" and keep moving. She can definately teach us all a thing or two.
-Jackson has the best imagination. He is able to take anything and make a real life game out of it. "Lets pretend to sell food from this food cart (wheelbarrel) We'll sell hotdogs and drinks. That will be 5 dollars please." Five dollars for a hotdog! This kid is going to be rich. "Here is your axe Rylie, make sure you cut down the door so they can all get out. I'm going to cut down these trees." As they both proceed to madly bang on anything they can reach with their "axes".
-Jackson and Rylie don't always play the best together, but they sure can play chase... for hours... on and off all day. It makes me laugh to hear their little feet wildly running on the tile, the occassional crash... "I otay, I otay" or "Jackson, uh oh, otay?" and the squeals of belly laughter. I like how Jackson always runs with Rylie, only getting ahead of her right at the end. I like how Rylie always says "Ready?"
All right, enough for now. Since this was my first post in a long while I am just throwing in some random pics from our trip to Washington. Hopefully coming up soon will be some pics from Rylies birthday. She just turned 2!