Saturday, December 4, 2010


So it has been awhile but I am finally updating :)

Rylie is growing fast, she started at 18 inches and at her two month appointment was 23. She weighed almost 11 lbs and I can't believe how big she feels to me after feeling so small compared to Jackson. She is smiling and laughing quite a bit lately and loves to "play" on her mat with her brother. She also loves to go on walks and be outside.

Jackson is a champ. He amazes us everyday with the things he says and does. He definitely knows his mind, what he likes and doesn't like, and is way to smart to be tricked into anything. I love it when he says "Mooommmmyyy" in an "are you serious" voice. He is pretty good at mimicing, whether it is yelling touchdown at appropriate times, shooting basketballs, or trying to pick up and hold Rylie. He is growing up so fast. I love cuddling with him, but it is mostly limited to when he is asleep, when he is awake he is constantly moving. He loves his daddy for sure, spending most the day talking about him, "Daddy's at work, Daddy's at church, I want Daddy, Daddys car, Wheres Dad..." You get the picture. I love it though that they love each other so much.

As for Tim and I, we are doing well. It has been a busy couple of months since Rylie was born as you can imagine. Our families came to town for Rylies blessing and it was great for everyone to meet her and spend time with all of us. The blessing was beautiful too! Jackson loves his Mamas and Papas as he calls them. Grandma and Grandpa Natter came a few days early and got to spend time enjoying the sun at the pool, hiking in some of the local parks and seeing the local renaissance fair. Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes stayed through Thanksgiving so we got to spend lots of time with them. We went to soccer games, to the parks and playgrounds, and going on lots of walks-Jacksons favorite! Tim and his dad even got to go to a Heat game. It was great to have them in town. I am 5 months into my beloved furlough, only 1 month left. I have to say yet again that I love that my job is only half a year. I get to be home with the kids and see them learn and grow, and I also get to do a job I love. I have to admit-sometimes the job is easier! Never as rewarding though as hearing Jackson say "lub you" (I love you), watching Rylie smile, or being home when Tim walks through the door. Well enough updates for now- enjoy the pictures!

Check out the jump shot!

Play time

He managed to get on Daddy's jeans, socks, and working on the shoes

Blessing day

Happy Halloween! Arghh!

Jackson loves to help Rylie play

Pretty girl

Blessing day

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rylie Logan Hoopes!

Little Rylie was born on Sept. 22 at 6:13 pm. She was 7 lbs 9 oz. and 18 inches long. Following Jacksons example she came quick and relatively easy- thank goodness! Everyone is adjusting well and we are excited that she is finally here. Grandma flew in just in time to help, and between her and Aunt Evie, Jackson is taking the changes really well. He is mostly indifferent except when he wants to play with Rylie, or kiss her, or see her, or give her the pacifier, and then he is usually pretty gentle. So far, so good =0) Wasting no more time, here she is...

Our beautiful girl!

Such a good big brother!

More to come later!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer so far

Has been pretty busy, but definately fun. I finished work for the year in the beginning of July, and things went from there. Jackson and I headed out to Washington for some time with my family. We spent some time just relaxing and playing with the grandparents, dog, goats, etc. Then Tim joined us for a few days in Seattle before we headed to Leavenworth for the Natter family reunion. We had some action packed days there, visiting the old German town, hiking-Tim climbed the mountain, I hiked along the river, cliff jumping, white water rafting, and enjoying time with family.

From there we hopped a flight to Salt Lake for the Hoopes family reunion. There we got to spend time with the Hoopes brothers and families. We had a great dinner, went jet skiing, spent time in temple square and the conference center, and got to see old friends and catch up. Mostly we got to spend time with Grandpa. Jackson really enjoyed just following him around, and I think grandpa enjoyed following Jackson around.

Since the reunions we have just been everyday busy. We try to get out to the pool everyday-mostly it is easiest to wear Jackson out there so he takes a good nap and I get to relax. This whole being 8 1/2 months pregnant is exhausting. Jackson is getting used to the idea of a baby- I think. The true test will come in a couple of weeks when she shows up. Jackson is learning fast now, saying a ton of words, "helping", jumping, being all around daring, gaining more independence if that is possible. It is fun to see how much he changes everyday.
And now for what you really have been waiting for, the pictures!

They had this cool plane teeter totter toy at the cabin where we stayed in Leavonworth-fun for all ages

Yes, he really is as fast as he looks

Jackson loves basketball, and Tim and Steve got their daily workouts in by lifting him up to dunk for hours on end it seemed.

The cousins- Aliyah, 6 weeks, Heber, 8 months, Jackson 18 months, and Eliza, just turned 3.

Tim and Jackson hiking the river trail

Teeter totter airplane, this is the first thing they ran to and the last thing they played on

We had some time before we caught the light rail in Seattle, plenty of things to keep us busy at the station.

Hurry up and get in so I can drive already.

Maybe I'll drive this instead

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Summer is here...

What does that mean? Heat, hot, scorching, sun, and lots of time outside wondering if it will ever get a little breezy or overcast just for a small break. But it also means the beach and lots of play time. Here are some quick recaps.
He has turned into a little hat boy. Has to always be stealling daddy's hats.

Cooking with mommy. Isn't this how it is done?


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Are we there yet?

Is he a dog or a little boy... sometimes I wonder.

We do love the beach.

Lowering the BOOM!

We got to go see the kickoff of the AVP tour and this was one of the great games. One of the perks of living in South Florida.

Evie with the number one team in the world, Rogers and Dallhausser

Tim and Jackson watching the game.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Easter!

Long time no see. I hope everyone had a great Easter. This was our second Easter with Jackson but the first one that he had any idea what was going on. We took full advantage and did everything-Easter pictures, Easter bunny cake, Easter egg dying, Easter egg hunt, you get the idea. So here is what we have...

Our standing tradition- the bunny cake. Tim has done it for as long as he can remember and we have a lot of fun with it.

Who is that good looking couple?

Man are family pictures hard when someone is always moving!

Finally I think we are all smiling.

I love this kid.


He is so good when you are not trying to hold him.

Such a thinker. My favorite shot out of them all.

Easter basket time! Yummy chocolate.

He even got to decorate his own eggs.

This may have been Jacksons favorite holiday. A basket. Tons of egg shaped balls. Lots of messy colored water and markers. Can't forget the legos the Easter Bunny left. In other words, we all had a blast.